Karen Harrington Wants Constitutional Amendment To Expand US Congressional Terms

At last night’s Republican Club of Central Broward meeting in Plantation, U.S. Congressional candidate Karen Harrington called for an expansion of US Congressional terms to four years instead of the current two year terms. When club members mentioned the need for a Constitutional amendment to make such a change, Ms. Harrington agreed and said she would spearhead a movement by writing the legislation.

Harrington is seeking the GOP nomination for US CONGRESS CD 20. This seat is currently held by Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Out Of Touch). Ms. Harrington ran against Debbie in 2010, garnering nearly 40% of the vote.

Karen Harrington


10 thoughts on “Karen Harrington Wants Constitutional Amendment To Expand US Congressional Terms

  1. Freida Drucker

    I’ve read press releases, blog articles and speeches written by Karen Harrington. Her high school education with maybe a few college courses did not teach her much in the way of grammar, history or enunciation. What makes KH think she can write legislation? Has she forgotten our economic problems, the need for jobs and our crumbling homeland security? We don’t need a Congressional Representative to waste time, energy and money on expanding Congressional terms. I did not attend the meeting. Did she also have hot sauce for sale?


    1. Mark

      Well Freida: At least she does know something about Math, Economics, Business, Creating Jobs, and the laws of supply and demand, something that DWS knows nothing about because I have seen and heard hundreds of tv interviews that DWS has done. Everytime I turn on the TV she’s doubling the number of jobs that the DNC and liberal media claims that the Obama administration has created, without telling us how many jobs have been lost, i.e. the NET JOBS CREATED. But that’s a little too technical. for her. She’s never had a real job, nor created a real job.


  2. Maria Lima

    Well, Freida, I believe she IS thinking of those issues you mention..it is PRECISELY her desire to solve those that prompts her to run to defeat DWS..and that fuels this particular plan. I think expanding terms to four years..and then having a limit of TIMES a representative serves, is just what we need! That way, junior Reps…hopefully true representatives of the people and not career politicians…have enough time to get things done! I think it is an awesome idea! As for Ms. Harrington’s education, how is that in any way relevant? We have been pounding on the notion that we are DONE with career politicians! The Founding Fathers fully intended for the House to be comprised of REAL citizens, real people with the call to serve, who would go, do their duty, and then return to their place in the workforce. I guess you have a problem with that. I sure don’t. Karen Harrington is exactly who we need in Washington! AS for how to write legislation, etc. of course, you are obviously ignorant of the fact that junior reps have ‘training’ on these matters when they first come up. It is an established process…not new at all. They all need to ‘learn the ropes’. That’s true for all of them. Part of why a longer term is a good idea.


  3. Freida Drucker

    How does KH’s background fit into these job specifications?

    Well, being ignorant, I guess I resent the fact that we as taxpayers have to spend our money educating junior represenatives that need to learn the ropes. Regardless, I do not believe a person that has had one job at a family owned restaurant is qualified to represent Floridians in Congress.
    Serious matters that involve the security of our country are Congressional responsibilities.

    The U.S. Constitution clearly enumerates the responsibilities of Congress. They include regulating domestic and international trade, declaring war and maintaining and supporting the military.

    Congressmen’s duties vary according to their stature and party affiliation. Both of the two major political parties have a leader in each House (called either the majority leader or the minority leader, depending on which party has more members in the House). Party leaders are responsible for maintaining diplomatic relations with one another and with other branches of the government.

    Each house also has many committees that focus on a particular responsibility. Some examples include energy, veterans’ affairs, housing and foreign relations. Some committees have broad responsibilities, such as the Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation.

    One of the most common duties of a congressman is act as a conduit between the federal government and the local authorities and residents of the areas they represent. A local police force, for example, might ask a congressman for help receiving money or other services from the Department of Justice. A local unit of a veterans’ organization, such as the American Legion, might likewise ask a congressman for support in obtaining something from the Veterans Administration.

    Read more: Job Description of a Congressman | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/about_5052888_job-description-congressman.html#ixzz1jBBFMpC3

    I cannot see Karen Harrington in any of these positions. Her lack of formal education and world wide experiences will impact every day she might sit in Congress. How can she help solve energy problems, housing and foreign relations, commerce, science and transportation. And what can she do to assist Veterans and the Armed Forces? What does she know about the declaration of War, maintaining our military and domestic and international trade? Her background is limited to one lifetime job in a family restaurant and a few teenage sports activities. Her sales experience has been limited to wings, hot sauce and food. Her job creation has been limited to a wait staff, maybe a bartender, a kitchen crew and a cleaning crew. If you want her to represent you and your family, you have that right. I want a stronger, more educated, more experienced Congressional Representative. And, I personally don’t want her acting as a conduit to CAIR. I believe CAIR has been identified as a threat to our US security. Not only do I object to Karen’s lack of educational background, but I object to the company she keeps and many of her supporters. Jason, you may be right. This D-20 seat may an impossible target for a Republican. I hope you’re wrong.

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  4. Team Goldner

    Since the beginning of our country congress was a 2 yr term. You need a constitutional amendment to change this. In todays climate, the people do not trust congress. In fact the current poll shows that congress poll ratings is about 5%. They do not want to increase the term of a congressional representative. What they want is to fire them all. This idea by Karen Harrington once again shows that she is not in touch with the people she claims to want to represent. I think it is about time to clean out professional, lifetime congressmen and women. Term limits is right but increasing is not the answer, 2yrs, 3 terms. That is long enough to do a great job for your district. When you are a congressmen(women), doing a great job representing the people, they will re-elect you, without any problems, less campaigning. When your off, you do townhalls, to keep your constitutients abreast of the issues, bills and happenings in the district.


  5. Sharon T.

    I too have to chime in here on this one. I personally am quite satisfied with the constitution our founding fathers wrote and the limits set within. The only thing I would consider amending would be how many terms they can serve back to back. All I have read about the writing of our constitution makes it clear the representation of the people should be constantly changing in order to help prevent corruption and power lust as we see in our house and senate today. Our house controls the purse strings of this country and those who serve need to live under the legislation they pass onto the private sector, so I am totally against increasing house terms to 4 years. I agree that Harrington is not listening to the grassroots folks who have gotten or have been politically involved because they are stating the opposite. Not a good move, just saying…


  6. Independent

    Actually I would prefer 1 year terms.

    In truth, we need term limits on congress. Four 2 year terms for Congressmen, and two six year terms for Senators.


  7. aclfla

    What is lost in this conversation is that she thinks that it’s easier to change the Constitution with just a “bill” because it’s easier than an amendment. I thought political expediency is what we’re trying to eliminate in the political world.


  8. aclfla

    What is lost in this conversation is that she said to introduce this notion as a bill and not an amendment. With this lack of constitutional understanding how can we send her to DC?



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