Tag Archives: dnc

Elections Workers Allow Broward Democrat Party Official To Violate 150ft Boundary At Early Voting In Coral Springs

Broward Supervisor of Elections Office (SOE) workers were oblivious as a Broward Democrat Party Official sat nearby handing out the official party palm card to voters at the Northwest Regional Library in Coral Springs. Florida law states all electioneering must be at least 150 feet from the entrance of a polling place. When setting up a polling place, one of the first things Broward SOE workers do is mark the 150 feet boundary.

On Sunday, REDBROWARD spotted Democratic National Committee Black Caucus Southern Regional Director Grace Carrington well within 150 feet of the library entrance. We watched as Carrington asked numerous voters if they wanted the offical Democratic Part card. Carrington sat in the shade while other candidates and volunteers melted in the 100 degree heat by the boundary set by SOE.

Carrington and two SOE workers convinced the supervisor on scene that Carrington was behind the line. Later, a disgruntled worker confirmed Carrington was violating the boundary. She moved further from entrance. Of course, Broward SOE workers were upset with REDBROWARD for pushing compliance with the law.

Voter holds card she just received from Grace Carrington

“NO WAY OUT”: How Team Hillary Forced Debbie Wasserman Schultz From DNC

According to the new tell-all book Shattered: Inside Hillary Clinton’s Doomed Campaign by Jonathan Allen and Amie Parnes, Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz demanded support from Hillary Clinton and President Barack Obama before she would resign as Chair of the Democratic National Committee. Just days before last July’s Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, Wikileaks published emails showing Wasserman Schultz and her DNC staff actively favored Hillary Clinton over Senator Bernie Sanders. Hoping to show a united front with Sanders supporters, the Clinton campaign knew Wasserman Schultz had to go.

Knowing Sanders supporters would protestors would haunt her every move in Philadelphia, the book claims Wasserman Schultz wanted to make a deal before she would quit. “Try as she did to hold back her anger and frustration, DWS made them evident as she issued demands in return. She wanted an endorsement from Hillary and one from Obama, along with a guarantee that the party would be there for her on primary day in her own district.” DWS faced a tough challenge from south Florida law professor Tim Canova, a favorite of local progressives.

Wasserman Schultz demaned more. She wanted the DNC to pay for her travel back to Broward. “[DWS] had a number of family members in town for what she had expected would be a big moment for her, and it would be expensive for her to foot the bill to bring them all back to Florida early.” There was more.

A DNC source told the authors, “DWS spent much of the day trying to negotiate the language Obama and Clinton would use in praising her if she resigned.” Finally, “[I]t was becoming clear to Wasserman Schultz that she had no way out.” Allen and Parnes write DWS was the last to realize she had no other choice but to quit.

Democratic presidential candidate, Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt, waves to the crowd after speaking during a rally at Michigan State University, Wednesday, March 2, 2016, in East Lansing, Mich. (AP Photo/Carlos Osorio)