Tag Archives: county judge

Text Messages Supporting Judicial Candidate Chris Brown Coming From Phone Used By Broward Judge Mindy Brown

The text message sent from Judge Mindy Brown’s campaign telephone number.
The first result on Google when searching the telephone number.

Anyone with a telephone knows the drill. You do not answer a call or text from an unknown number. The first thing you do is “Google” the number. On Sunday, some Broward voters received a text message touting the campaign of Chris Marion Brown. A simple Google search shows the texts came from a phone number associated with his wife, Broward Judge Mindy Brown.

So what?

Judicial candidates and judges must follow a strict set of rules and ethics set by the Supreme Court of Florida. Some of the biggest rules govern what a Judge can and cannot do when their spouse is running for office. Judges are forbidden from using their office to endorse or support the candidacy of their spouse.

Here, anyone who searches the telephone number on Google will discover a clear tie between judicial candidate Brown and Judge Mindy Brown. It doesn’t require any advanced sleuthing skills.

The very first result on Google is a link to Judge Mindy Brown’s 2018 campaign information. In 2018, the same number promoting Chris Brown was listed as her official campaign telephone number. The website includes a picture of Judge Mindy Brown.

To the average Google user, this may appear that Judge Mindy Brown sent a text message endorsing the candidacy of Chris Brown.

Chris Brown should know the judicial canons governing his race. Judge Mindy Brown should definitely know the canons she must follow.

The graphic sent from Judge Mindy Brown’s campaign telephone number includes a picture of the Browns. The graphic makes reference to “Mindy Brown.” Chris Brown and Mindy Brown know he cannot make reference to “Judge” in the piece. So why did they send from a number that links to a picture of Judge Mindy Brown wearing her judicial robes?

Editor’s Note: Full disclosure, this reporter is a friend Chris Brown’s opponent, Michael Ahearn.

Broward Judicial Candidate Lea Krauss Snapping Selfies At Church

Last month, REDBROWARD documented Broward County Circuit Court candidate Lea Krauss’ bungling of a Bible question at a political forum. Krauss was stumped when asked to name her favorite Bible scripture at a public forum hosted by the Broward Women’s Republican Club. Taken aback by the question, Krauss admitted she could not think of her favorite Bible passage.

When she asked the questioner if he had a favorite, the gentleman replied, “yeah, several.”

Now, Krauss has made another religious faux pas. This weekend, Krauss posted a selfie taken in the pews of the New Mount Olive Baptist Church in Fort Lauderdale. Krauss posted the picture on her campaign’s official Facebook page.

Doesn’t everybody know you’re not supposed to use your phones at church or synagogue? Maybe only regular churchgoers know this?

Perhaps Lea Krauss should skip the Democrat club meetings and find a good Sunday school.