Will Democrat Dean Trantalis Turn Fort Lauderdale Into Liberal Sanctuary City

Even though the Mayor’s race is non-partisan, Fort Lauderdale Commissioner Dean Trantalis has been waving the progressive/Democrat flag for months. While blasting local businesses and developers, Trantalis welcomed the support of controversial Broward Democrat politicians like County Commission Dale Holness and the impeached Federal Judge Alcee Hastings.

REDBROWARD exposed Dean Trantalis’ payments to members of Team Dale Holness including the police-bashing School Board Candidate Elijah Manley. In the latest campaign reports, the Trantalis campaign paid hundreds of dollars to Damara Holness, daughter of Dale Holness and Alcee Hastings II.

In January, Dean Trantalis held a fundraiser at Dale Holness’ real estate office. Last month, Hastings, the Florida Democratic Party Chair aand other progressive Democrats held a fundraiser at Lori Parrish’s home.

Very few, if any, of these politicians live in Fort Lauderdale. So why are they eager to make Dean Trantalis the next mayor?

Clearly, Dean Trantalis loves playing politics. Several years ago, Trantalis called for a homeless town hall. The audience was packed with many of the activists REDBROWARD exposed as performance artists and professional agitators.

Trantalis got the crowds and the media attention, but did he get any results? Anyone who visits downtown Fort Lauderdale can see the homeless issue remains.

In January, REDBROWARD exposed how Trantalis supporters planned a gun show protest merely to give the Commissioner a chance to grandstand on the issue. Now, Trantalis used a photograph of a Parkland rally in a campaign issue.

In December, REDBROWARD exposed Trantalis’ failed attempt to use the city infrastructure issues to promote his views on climate change. Using bogus claims prepared by his aide, Trantalis tried tie algae blooms to sewage issues. When the rest of the Commission countered his arguments with facts, Trantalis sheepishly blamed his aide and said he just wanted to raise the issue.

With Dean Trantalis, it’s always politics over leadership.

If Trantalis wins the election on Tuesday, Fort Lauderdale residents can expect the usual commission meeting marathons. But instead of sewers and potholes and cutting fees and promoting business, the meetings will become the political sideshow found throughout the country.

Action will be replaced by community town halls. Expect political tirades over minimum wages, immigration policy, social issues, guns and climate change. Activists and politicians who supported Trantalis will expect to have their issues heard. They will use the City as a launch pad for their progressive 2020 election agenda.

Politics over leadership.

Mayor Jack Seiler, a Democrat, rarely played politics. The City Of Fort Lauderdale and her residents came first.

Now, the liberals want to grab the bully pulpit that comes with the title of Mayor Of Fort Lauderdale.

Even worse, some Republican “consultants” have been volunteers on the Trantalis campaign. What did they ask for in return?

How many Republicans and independent Trump voters will be fooled into voting for the liberal Dean Trantalis with the help of these GOP consultants?

What happens when development is halted and infrastructure remains in tatters because the new Mayor and his allies play politics at City Hall? Will residents be forced to paying higher taxes for reduced services? Will police and first responders pay a price for not supporting Dean Trantalis?

Fort Lauderdale doesn’t need politics as usual. Fort Lauderdale voters deserve real leadership.

5 thoughts on “Will Democrat Dean Trantalis Turn Fort Lauderdale Into Liberal Sanctuary City

  1. Count LF Chodkiewicz Chudzikiewicz

    Did I see a League of Womens’Voters sign? There are a NON PROFIT prohibited from political activity. I knowthismy Mother was a President in various cities. Is this the start of the MORAL DECLINE of Ft Lauderdale City Government?


  2. Art Seitz

    You forgot to mention, that Dean Trantalis, Steve Glassman and Dr. Warren Sturman, who all ran clean campaigns have been endorsed by the Sun-Sentinel’s Editorial Board and dozens of other entities — Before deciding, I hope you will read last Saturday’s Sun-Sentinel editorial pages, Buddy Nevin’s Broward Beat and their political campaign flyers.
    Bruce “Bought and Paid For by Developer Campaign Donations” Roberts, a developer’s tool made the putrid motion to build 651 apartments on the public owned Bahia Mar Property.
    Art Seitz, Forty Five year Fort Lauderdale Resident (R)


  3. Bob Adams

    Mayor Jack Seiler put the City of Fort Lauderdale and her residents first? REALLY??? No! for the past nine years, under Jack “Carpetbagger” Seiler’s leadership, developers have had their way at every turn; and the residents are paying for it with overcrowded streets , broken sewer lines and other crumbling infrastructure!
    Dean Trantalis will return City Hall to the people!


  4. City activist Robert Walsh

    Comm.Trantalis and his emphasis with these Black elected officials is his way of attracting the Black voter.I stated previous the majority of Black voters(yes) will not vote for a gay canidate Whether its right, wrong, hypocritical etc, it is what it is.Roberts betting heavy( judy stern) that i am right.The poll records will show this.It doesn.t matter Dean prevails.He doesn.t need the Black vote.Its just extra gravy.Its Roberts thst needs all the votes he can muster.Too little.To late Dean wins today.The over development, plus the sewer rupture fiasco is just to much for the resident( voter) to digest.Dean should thank his ast.Scott Wyman .He is the one who put the cherry on top of the sundae.The crafted news letters every month really sent Trantalis flying.Wyman is very effective.He should have been because if trantalis lost Scooter here would also ve sent packing.Ain.t gonna happen To Seiler ast.hold on.hang on.Although Scott gets your postion(warranted) i think u r save with incoming comm Glassman at least to the summer recess.We are not out to destroy other peoples lives.Tell Seiler hold before he works his magic cause im certain Glassman keeps you for the interim.Best i could do.Bruce Roberts stated before your losing goes to Judy Stern and Mr.Feldman.Although under the right leadership Feldman could improve and do better with his frosty relationship with the resident’s.Im suggesting speaking if summer recess that u stay put as well.City atty.boy were u railroaded( oh i know Judy blame the Black lady).Your severance alone will be payback Cynthia( although on the resident’s dime).City auditor time is also up for you.Overpaid.Overconfident.To much drama with above name mentioned.Jesus John do u really have to ve the highest paid employee in city hall.I say when a half a irish.Italian semi grifter can out do u(401a) speaks for itself.To my supporters once i get the vote rights then all heads will roll.Its coming.Trust me.Scott Israel less is more.Lose the brazen attitude.Back these students is your only way to keep from drowning.Brittany Wallman great reporting during campaign season.Charlotte Rodstron get right back on that horse( her own money what do some of u care.ps.buy the car).Jack Seiler thank you.We accomplished much.Cleaned uo lical hosp.floor witch now meets industry standards.Put Alzheimers awsreness on the map.And wish u all the best.Consider Washington.Stormy Daniels .Get him good.Release the pics.Not to worry.Cohen ain.t shit.Who would have thought a pirn star would take down Donnie old boy.Never trust a man that cheats on his wife.Heed the warning some of you.Its a wrap.Now to the gym so i can go the distance with Stormy….


  5. City activist Robert Walsh

    Well Dean won fair and square.Although i did not support him its now time to reunite all the residents and accomplish the agenda you rolled out during the campaign.Bruce Roberts don.t go quietly into the sunset.No, my opinion i would give great thought into running for county comm.Chip Lamarca seat.I believe he lives in that county district.Give it serious consideration.Again Mayor Trantalis won in great part with his comm.ast.Scott Wyman.Yes,those crafted news letters sent Dean steam rolling.Also who will shine like a new penny is newly elected comm.Steve Glassman.Lets roll..



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