Lawyer On Host Committee For Judge Wannabe, Blamed Kid Victims Of Sexual Battery

betsybensonforbrowardcountyjudgehostA local attorney who blamed two minors for Wilton Manors sexual assaults is on the host committee for Broward County Court hopeful Betsy Benson. Larry Davis is one of many Democrat activists on Benson’s October 8th kickoff for her campaign for the Group 13 seat. In April 2013, Davis was featured on WPLG Local 10 for his shocking comments to Wilton Manors Police detectives.

Kids In Distress (KID) CEO Mark Dhoogie and Larry Davis, a KID board member, gave a video recorded interview to Wilton Manors P.D. Detective Nick Fiacco regarding two recent sexual assaults on the KID campus.

In February 2013, Brian Fields, a KID employee, was charged with three felony counts of sexual battery on a minor ages 12-17 in his custodial care. Police allege Fields assaulted a minor on four different occassions between December 27, 2012 and January 6, 2013 “while acting as a caregiver, counciler and custodial authority.” Fields is awaiting trial.

In January 2013, Brian Denby was accused of assaulting a 13 year old and a 15 year old living on the KID campus. A therapist contacted Wilton Manors P.D. to report a sexual assault took place on January 7, 2013 at 3:45 AM. According to charging documents, a group of minors were yelling and throwing rocks at passing cars. Denby yelled at the minors to stop and started talking to them. Denby provided cigarettes to the minors. He explained he had recently left the military and lost his wife. He told the children he had not engaged in sexual activity for more than a year.

Denby stated he would get in trouble if he had sex with the minor residents of Kids In Distress. Still, he climbed the wall and engaged in sexual acts with the minors on the KID playground. Denby is awating trial on three felony counts of lewd and lascivious battery on minor age 12-16 and two felony counts of lewd and lascivious exhibition in the presence of a minor under the age of 16.


On the video first aired by reporter Bob Norman on WPLG, Davis shockingly takes the side of the sexual attackers. Davis said, “I feel bad for him because I know these kids and what they are like.” Recall, Larry Davis is a board member for a taxpayer funded organization tasked with protecting sexually abused minors.

Davis even puts himself in Denby’s shoes. “I could get over that wall, especially if I saw two sweet little 15-year-olds probably playing with themselves, telling me to come over,” said Davis. “I’d have been over that wall in a heartbeat.”

Once Norman started asking questions, Davis resigned from KID. Davis admitted his remarks were “inappropriate and insensitive.”


Making matters worse, Benson’s opponent in the County Court race is Adriana Alcalde, a former sex crimes prosecutor for the Broward State Attorney.

In a recent interview, Alcalde spoke of how her young clients inspired her to continue fighting the sexual predators in Broward County. Alcalde said she uses the DC Comics superhero Wonder Woman to show the young girls that they are the true heroes for standing up against their abusers.


This is not Benson’s first misstep on the campaign trail. Last month, REDBROWARD exposed how Benson’s campaign website never mentions her job as a Broward County public defender. The website gives one brief mention of her boss, Howard Finkelstein. No mention she taught public defenders for Howard Finkelstein. No mention her boss is Broward Public Defender “Help Me Howard” Finkelstein. Nada. Zip.

But when it comes to her new non-profit organization, Benson has no problem using the Public Defender’s office.

The Facebook page for the nonprofit organization claims it is “dedicated to providing art enrichment to underprivileged children in Broward County through tickets to live events.” State records show Benson started the organization in 2014 using the Broward Public Defender’s Office address at 500 S.E 6th Street in Fort Lauderdale. Benson listed her official Public Defender’s Office email address on the State incorporation forms.

Shortly after the REDBROWARD story was published, Benson’s website was pulled down.

In July, REDBROWARD reported Benson was one of several female candidates covering their heads and faces at a Ramadan event in Sunrise. Broward Chief Judge Peter Weinstein attended the event in his normal attire. Would a sitting female judge cover her head? Would she politely decline and use the opportunity as a “teaching moment” on womens issues in the Muslim faith?

Did anybody tell Rhoda Sokoloff, Andrea Gundersen and Betsy Benson to cover their heads?

Gwyn Clarke-Reed and judicial candidate Betsy Benson

Gwyn Clarke-Reed and judicial candidate Betsy Benson


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