Who Is Threatening Broward Republican Party Members?

Last week, REDBROWARD reached out to members of the Broward Republican Executive Committee (BREC) regarding threats via telephone, email, websites and even in person. There have been no less than seven reports of threats made against members, their families and business associates. The threats came after multiple failed attempts to remove BREC Chairman Robert Sutton.

These threats were not confined to Sutton and his supporters. Rank and file BREC members have been targeted. It appears as though someone as done thorough background checks on over 200 BREC members. Also, it appears criminal background checks were performed as well.

These actions are unprecedented at the State and local level.

Who is behind the threats? Who is paying for the background checks and websites? Who?!?

If you have received any suspicious emails, phone calls or texts, please contact:


100% confidentiality.

24 thoughts on “Who Is Threatening Broward Republican Party Members?

  1. Benjamin H. Bennett

    Got a call from a friend about David Rosenthal making some crazy statements again….only advice to Mr. Rosenthal, your Police Record…is also Public Record.


      1. Benjamin H. Bennett

        David has a problem with scissor’s and even a sharp pencil…according to Hollywood Police Department when Mr Rosenthal threatened to kill his wife during an act of Domestic Violence..records don’t lie…you just can’t make this stuff up.


  2. Benjamin H. Bennett

    David has a problem with scissor’s and even a sharp pencil…according to Hollywood Police Department when Mr Rosenthal threatened to kill his wife during an act of Domestic Violence..records don’t lie…you just can’t make this stuff up.


    1. David L Rosenthal

      My wife and I married in 1981. Over the course of several years, my wife and I resembled the Hatfields and the McCoys. 25 years ago, in a fit of rage, I threatened to kill my wife. At the time, I was holding a pencil with which I had been writing.
      I was sentenced to one year probation, and obligated to take an anger management course.
      There was no scissors involved at any point. Ben made that up. My wife has lived with me since 1980. You can ask her about this.
      On the other hand, Ben Bennett went to prison for several years as a result of having been convicted of selling drugs to children and providing guns to children. Ben also was arrested more recently for child molestation. And he will possibly be arrested on other charges in the near future for his ongoing criminal behavior.
      It is embarrassing to have to talk about this, but it is not going to hinder me from continuing to denounce the criminal conspiracy going on between Ben Bennett, Robert Sutton, and others, for which Ben Bennett has already provided ample evidence.


      1. Benjamin H. Bennett

        Well David…your post is slanderous and libelous, and on advice of my legal counsel I suggest you retract it. Enjoy the weekend.


  3. Benjamin H. Bennett

    Case# 92-114923…Rosenthal, David Lee did intentionally and unlawfully threaten to do violence to the victim by grabbing the victim by the throat, beating her head in the wall and holding a pair of scissors in one hand threatening the victim. ( THE VICTIM HEREIN IDENTIFIED AS ROSENTHAL, JOSEPHINA. Pair of scissors! By your own admission you threatened to kill her. Very sad.


    1. David L Rosenthal

      Benjamin…That is a false report. By repeating it, you commit libel. But you have been doing that and worse for years. If you do not retract your libel, I will sue you for it.


      1. David L Rosenthal

        Ben….you were arrested for child molestation. Why would I retract it? You are abetting thuggery. Witnesses will corroborate it. I will sue you. You can sue me if you want to waste your time and money.


      2. Benjamin H. Bennett

        David..David…take your time and get your facts straight. Raining outside…don’t forget your umbrella!


    2. No Sharia

      More BS, Mr. Bennett. It’s easy to make us stuff on the internet!!! You should bring copies of this made-up police report to the next BREC meeting and hand them out to people. But of course you won’t, because as David has said, it is false.


      1. Benjamin H. Bennett

        The Hollywood Police Department case #…you have it…not sure if any BREC Meeting will be happening anytime time soon.


      2. Benjamin H. Bennett

        You have the case number, do yourself a favor and look it up…David has enough pending problems coming his way…he’s not really a bad guy…just misguided. I have no further interest in defending the truth.


  4. Tricky Dick

    Is it okay to attack ones spouse with a pencil? Sounds like the action of a follower of sharia law.


  5. David L Rosenthal

    I just posted a video about you on my Facebook page, Ben, reiterating all I posted about you here, all of which is factual.


    1. Benjamin H. Bennett

      David…after we file our mutual lawsuits…let’s sit down….grab some coffee, and talk about our Republic!


      1. Benjamin Individual Bennett

        From what I have just been told 3 hours ago, looks like it will you on the inside looking out. Enjoy the view!


      2. Benjamin Individual Bennett

        Well David, you need to get a job and stay busy. Just learned some bad things about you a few hours ago….so, if anyone is going to prison…well, I really don’t have the time to visit you. Enjoy the cool weather!


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