Marlon Bolton Solicited And Delivered Campaign Check To Tamarac Commissioner Morey Wright From Coastal Waste

Marlon Bolton and Coastal Waste

In light of our latest story regarding large campaign contributions to the Broward Vision PAC and Marlon Bolton’s refusal to abstain from voting in a new garbage contract, REDBROWARD is reprinting this story from April 2023:

Marlon Bolton solicited and delivered campaign checks to fellow Tamarac Commissioner Morey Wright from garbage and towing companies, records show. One day after Wright was elected to the Tamarac Commission, Bolton filed a “Campaign Fundraising For Other Candidates Disclosure Form” with the city clerk. Bolton admitted to raising campaign funds for Morey Wright and Wright’s opponent, Stuart Michelson.

On the form, Bolton wrote, “Delivered a contribution from Coastal Waste to Morey Wright on 10/25. Communicated with Waste Management 10/26, provided Westway Towing # 10/27. Provided contact for Malcom Butters to Michelson campaign on 10/27.”

Bolton listed a $1,000 check from Coastal Waste and a $500 check from Westway Towing.

Marlon Bolton signed the form.

The official campaign treasurer’s report for Morey Wright listed a $1,000 contribution on October 25, 2022 from Coastal Waste. On October 28, 2022 Wright listed a $500 contribution from Westway Towing.

Does Marlon Bolton regularly solicit checks from companies that do business in the City of Tamarac?

Earlier this month Broward County Commissioner Hazelle Rogers (D-Purple Bird) rehired Bolton as her commission aide.

Will Marlon Bolton solicit campaign contributions from companies doing business with Broward County?

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