Pembroke Pines High School Principal Apologizes For Posing With Blue Lives Matter Flag

Peter Bayer, principal of the Pembroke Pines Charter High School, is under fire for a social media post where he apologized for posing with a flag supporting law enforcement officers. Bayer apologized on Instagram for appearing in a group photograph with Pembroke Pines Mayor Frank Ortis and other elected officials alongside an American flag adorned with a “thin blue line.” The symbol has become a popular method of showing support for police and first responders.

On his official Instagram account, Principal Bayer wrote:

Several years ago [Pembroke Pines Charter High School] hosted a “First Responders” appreciation day for the men and women in Pembroke Pines that work in the field of police, fire and health care. A photo was taken that day at the fountain, which I am in along with a number honorees and includes two flags in the background that were put up by (now former) students. One of the flags is associated with efforts to trivialize the Black Lives Matter movement.

I offer my sincere apologies for not being more aware of the racial and hurtful implications of the symbol at the time, and I thank those that had the courage to bring this egregious oversight to my attention today. Pembroke Pines Charter High School is an institution of lifelong learners. That goes for all,of us, not just the students.


It’s appears as though Principal Peter Bayer has since disabled his social media accounts. Outraged parents took to social media to share Bayer’s apology. Sources say Bayer is meeting with Pines City Manager Charlie Dodge and Pembroke Pines Police representatives on Tuesday afternoon.

One Pembroke Pines resident shared this with REDBROWARD:

57 thoughts on “Pembroke Pines High School Principal Apologizes For Posing With Blue Lives Matter Flag

    1. #BLM

      Mr. Bayer did NOTHING wrong. BLM is NOT political, its basic rights. Being a police is your choice and being black is not. Educate yourself.


      1. William

        I HAVE educatwd myself and have found that BLM in fact is a political left wing Lennist group who uses there money to fund tjebvery people who wish to enslave them!


  1. Aaron

    Those flags have been around way longer than people think. They didn’t start during the riots they have been around for a long time. I know many people who have had them in there house long before the movement.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. disgusted

    with all due respect, you can take off your badge at any time. however, you cannot take off a skin color. you are the problem and you disgust me. principle Bayer being inclusive and apologizing for standing alongside a symbol that opposes the lives of Black lives should not be a reason for his termination. people like you that get so offended from things like this are the problem. i am GLAD sgt. Jim Gort retired.

    Liked by 2 people

      1. #BLM

        Mr. Bayer did NOTHING wrong. BLM is NOT political, its basic rights. Being a police is your choice and being black is not. Educate yourself.


    1. Yoly Perez

      Flags with a blue line do not oppose the lives of Black people. That is the most ignorant thing I have ever heard. Police work for the community. They are the first people call when they are in danger. If Bayers comments and picture can cause him to be cancelled by the mob than he might as well and take the heat from the other side too. We can out cancel each other on anything nowadays.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. william

      Why are you whining about your skin color? It is easy to cast blame on others for doing their jobs when you do nothing but complain. Chances are you have never contributed ANYTHING to this society. Many intentionally go out and break the law, stealing, beating and killing others to include your own people and people like YOU don’t hold them accountable! Instead you hold a criminal like a hero for killing your people andnstomp on tje very o es trying to protect your ignorant ass.


  3. justabeethatsall

    snowflake alert
    sorry, must’ve not gotten the message that human rights and racial equality are a political agenda


  4. mr bayer best principal

    principal bayer has done what a lot refuse to do and that is listen to the voices of his black students who go to the school that he always tries to make as diverse and safe for everyone as possible. if you have a problem with him simply using is voice for good then you need to re-evaluate what you consider to be correct in this world. thank you principal bayer. lots of love and respect.


  5. And

    What happened to the free speech conservatives preach about so much? Bayer said his peace in a respectful and sincere manner. I stand with him and his message. Sgt. Gort, however, sounds like a pissy baby. Is he triggered or something?


  6. john

    yall are idiots for wanting to fire him its 2020 yall are sensitive as hell stop making everything about race and grow the fuck up


    1. bakerwife206

      You are joking, right? You say those of us who support law enforcement or come from law enforcement families are making everything about race? HA! You have us confused with the hate group Black Lives Matter. THEY are the ones making everything about race and need to grow the fuck up.


  7. John Beach

    Book smart, common sense lacking. A pure case of absolute stupidity. As he is in charge of our most precious resource.
    Our children. If my kids attended his school, I would immediately withdraw them. He is a disgrace to our community.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. john beach is a stupid poo shit head 😛

      shut up bitch are u retarded ur fat and ugly this is why u dont even have children bro 😹


    2. john beach smells like fish

      that’s why u cant get laid i know ur dick small u conservative fat fuck. anyways aoc 2028 period


  8. Kevin Roman

    The last line says it all and deligimizes Gort’s entire post. Who is pushing their political agenda here? Principal Bayer who simply wants to stand in solidarity with his grieving students, or this ex cop who is trying to get him fired because his feelings got hurt?


    1. bakerwife206

      First of all Sgt. Gort is not an “ex cop” he is retired, big difference. Next, Bayer is putting one class of students over another which he should NOT be doing. He should be inclusive of ALL his students, including the many students who’s parents are law enforcement officers. There was no need for him to bring up a post from years ago, one that was paying tribute to first responders and the good work they do for their community (of which Bayer obviously agreed).

      And everyone in this thread that are putting down police officers I find it very ironic that even the BLM activists call the police for help when they are rioting in the streets so the police can’t be all that bad if even the BLM rioters are looking to them to help them when they get in over their heads, huh?



  9. Concerned citizen bm

    Why can’t we all exist in a space where saying that black lives matter is taken literally . Members of a race are saying that their lives matter .We are starting at matter not even equal.Definitely not saying better. People want this man to be punished because he took the first step that we all should. He admitted to ignorance on a topic without slandering either cause .
    Of course blue lives matter but before you choose (heroically) to identify as blue the world unfortunately identifys us all by color .For those of us born with melanin we spend our lives defending our desire for equality. Our children are met with expectations of failure . We can’t buy our black sons any toys that look like a gun and train them for harsh realities. We prepare our loved ones for a world filled with inequity. A world where they are made to feel smart despite being black,well spoken despite their skin color.
    I say all this to present that acknowledging that the oppressed matter does not knock the oppressor from a perch of power.
    This strikes me as a principal who cares about all of his students . Please remind me of the schools performance. Oh yeah.. A school

    Liked by 1 person

  10. johnny

    get bayer out of here!! racist white supremacist anti black live matter.. ONLY SORRY WHEN HE GETS CAUGHT.


    1. katakuma

      What are you talking about you fucking dumbass he is the most respectful man in our school go educate ur self you fucking imbecile


  11. A pissed off student

    Please shut the entire fuck up, its fuck the cops that use there power excessively. It’s fuck anyone that supports bad cops and it’s fuck a racist motherfucker that said something. MY principal the man that showed constant equality to every student he interacted with, that never made any student feel out of place for their gender, race, sexual orientation, or geographical background. That is MY principal and he said wtf he said. I am proud of MY principal, and glad he spoke up cause it’s fuck the blue lives matter flag until police departments across the USA acts accordingly. ALLL LIVES DONT MATTER…UNTIL BLACK LIVES MATTER. Read it and then read it again until you understand. Stop trying to paint mr.bayer out to be a bad guy cause he is one of the most unique principals Iv have had the privilege of knowing. I’m fact MINORITY LIVES MATTER so at the end of the day every student that knows mr.bayer for who he is WILL GO TO WAR FOR HIM.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Robert

      Wow! That principle ran a shit school if he allowed you and most of the others on here to actually graduate. If this is the best that any of you can write I find it hard to believe that the English language was even taught. Does this school allow Ebonics to be substituted for English?


      1. BB

        For someone who is complaining about spelling and grammar, you spelled principal wrong. You also have a run-on sentence.


  12. LoveForAllWhoHaveLoveForAll

    jeez relax bro. this man needs to meditate and watch some naruto. why’s he so angry about pushing his personal agenda on people. i’m not gonna say he’s probably racist, but i’m not gonna say he’s probably not racist. aye dort, you gotta realize what’s going on out there and stop being blind entrenched in your own beliefs. open your eyes and stop attacking people bro. Black Lives Matter.


  13. Kate

    Pussy and a Traitor to this country for not standing up to the Terrorist within The Black Lives Matter group. He should be FIRED!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. katakuma

      Shut the fuck up you ignorant prick, i can already tell that your already deep in life probably in your 30s or 40s and you still don’t have the ability to comprehend. Your a fucking disgrace to the human race go back to school and learn a thing or two


    1. bakerwife206

      Typical, you refer to women as “bitches” and elude that the only thing they are good for is “pussy” and your lack of decent vocabulary (ain’t getting no bitches I know you ain’t – you are not getting any women, I know you are not would be the more educated way to voice your feelings but you are obviously not an educated person and more of a thug, just saying….)


  14. EF954

    Mr. Bayer’s actions come as no surprise. I can recall that he often pandered to whatever “movement” was occurring when I attended school there nearly twenty years ago. However, this public display of cowardice is alarming. I can respect a civil discussion on police reform. However, he oversteps these bounds through the denigration of the “thin blue line,” long used as a symbol to illustrate that law enforcement is the final abutment between civility and chaos. Clearly, he will do anything to remain relevant at the behest of the good officers that help to protect his school and his city.

    “Those who stand for nothing, will fall for anything.” – Alexander Hamilton

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Devin ollet

    What happened to growing some balls and standing up for something you believe in.what he did was bow down to bunch of Frustrated bullies and now he’s paying for the consequences of letting this stupidity escalate not trying to bash on him but he needed to be a stronger leader and put all that stupidity in detention and Saturday school and crack a whip on those fools who were fueled by his apology I can’t even believe that this even got so far that he can lose his job mr.bayer I’m on your side sir but step up to these fools and show them who us jaguars really are


  16. Charlie

    Black lives matter, Blue lives matter and All lives matter! If we could just treat everyone with respect, things would be much better! Principal Bayer is an outstanding administrator and human being. Certainly he believes in equality and also supports our police officers.


    1. bakerwife206

      He’s certainly not saying that when he purposely goes back to a post that is 2 years old to make a point to say he disagrees with a flag that has been around for YEARS and that represents the unbreakable bond of law enforcement standing as a barrier between the law-abiding citizens of America and the criminally inclined. What part of this flag is offensive to ANYONE other than criminals? This flag is not against P.O.C., in fact all officers who are persons color either have this flag or t-shirts with this flag on it, stickers with this flag, I could go on and on. They don’t find this flag offensive.

      And Bayer is NOT supporting all of his students when he uses his social media to bash the first responders that the school were supporting 2 years ago. How do you think the kids feel who’s parents are law enforcement officers? They certainly know how their principal feels about their parent who serves their communities. It’s bad enough they have to worry about the hate their parents face on the job but now they are faced with hate from their principal too?

      Bayer is not being inclusive of all families when he makes posts like this excluding the students who have first responders as parents.

      #ShameOnBayer #ThinBlueLine #BackTheBlue


  17. Sue

    Sgt Gort… you laid that out beautifully. I too am retired Law Enforcement and used to live in PP. So glad I got out of there. It’s disgusting what that principal did. No backbone and I hope the parents of children attending there demand he be fired. What a spineless individual. Scary to think of all the children he is “in charge of”!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sue, another white person

      I’m so glad you retired, it probably means your old and dying soon. One less racist bootlicker in the world. This is a win for everybody.


  18. anonymous

    I think Karma has a way of biting you in the butt. Yes there are many who love Mr. Bayer, however there are some, like myself, who were subjected to his unfair treatment. My senior year of high school, after all the years of spending at charter, my single mother was unable to come up with the required volunteer hours due to having to work (she couldn’t afford to even pay for the hours) and was told I would not be allowed to attend the upcoming senior year at PPCHS. My mom tried to fight for me to stay and start my senior year at PPCHS, but because I lived in East Miramar, it wasn’t seen (I suppose) as someone they would help. It hurt me deeply and my family. That taught me a lot about how he feels about his students- he could have helped a single mother struggling. I want to thank Mr. Bayer for that valuable life lesson. As I attended my senior year else where I attained straight A’s and even went off to college & grad school graduating the top of my class. It’s an unfortunate situation, however I hope you read this Mr. Bayer and have time to reflect on your comments and actions. I won’t go into depth about some comments you made to my mother during this situation. Life has a way of showing you that you need to change your behavior/actions/ or just be a descent human and care when others are struggling. I hope this experience humbles you and realize children, despite their color or social economic status, have the right to be treated fairly. I am happy for the support that is being provided- as a petition being signed. I wish I had that same support from you during my senior year. Peace and love Mr. Bayer ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Fuck you anonymous

      Bro shut the fuck up. That sounds like a personal problem and I’m telling you nobody gives a flying fuck. Hold a grudge for as long as you can PLEASE, because i can assure you he won’t go to sleep thinking about you. You’re just another dumbass and the fact you’re happy for what’s happened makes you a bootlicker. Glad your happy you racist, hopefully shit never works out for you.


      1. bakerwife206

        All of these posts by those is support of Bayer are so mean and hateful. This does not look good for him or Black Lives Matter. You really aren’t doing yourselves or anyone else any favors, all you are doing is showing how uneducated you are and showing your hate.


  19. chris

    “One of the flags is associated with efforts to trivialize the Black Lives Matter movement.”… exactly which flag, and how does it trivialize any movement? Actually it is BLM that wants to defund and hamstring the police.
    When those responding with “he did nothing wrong” can begin the conversation with “All lives matter”, then we can start a conversation. Until then, your racist cries are meaningless.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. bakerwife206

      Completely agree with you. All these commenters that are hurling F-bombs and cries of racism are not representing themselves very well.

      But first responders tend to hold themselves to a higher level and don’t stoop to the level of those that are following the hate group Black Lives Matter.


  20. Cheryl Slebodnik

    Your gutless bowing to socialism.
    If your house is ever vandalized don’t call law enforcement, call your local thugs, druggie & looters.
    So glad my kids nor grandkids went to your school. They had real leaders to look up to.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. bakerwife206

      Yes, but our law enforcement will show up regardless. That is the difference between officers and those that run with the Black Lives Matter hate group.


  21. Melissa

    Total disgrace. You should be promoting a more positive attitude towards the first responders. And even though you spit upon the men and women in blue they will STILL come to your aide should you need it because unlike you they aren’t a coward and won’t bow down to others and follow the herd.



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